Best Sex Positions + 475 Different Ways To Spice Things Up In Bed

Best Sex Positions Guide (127 Pics, Tips & Tricks + F.A.Q)

Are you curious about sex positions? Want to discover the different varieties, the best ones, and understand the nuances involved in their choice and usage? Congratulations! You’re absolutely in the right place! 👌

Welcome to the sex positions guide.

Hi there 😉, I’m Mika Miro, the brains behind the Sex Positions Club. I’m super excited that you’ve found your way here, as this is where you’ll get all your questions answered and learn everything (and perhaps a bit more) about sex positions.

There are a host of myths circling about sex and particularly about love-making positions, which often misguide folks. We’ll hash out those myths in great detail here, and by the end, you’ll be loaded with the facts.

You know, different people are interested in sex positions for various reasons. But I’m keen to make this guide as riveting and relevant to you as possible.

So, before we venture any further, let me ask you a quick question:

Guys, why are you interested in sex positions (what for)?
Spice up my sex life, add some variety, try something new
Improve my sex skills to give my partner mind-blowing orgasms
I don't currently have a sex partner, but I want to get better in bed
I was actually looking for porn, but ended up here!)
Voted: 146976
Girls, why are you interested in sex positions (what for)?
Spice up my sex life, add some variety, try something new
Improve my sex skills to give my partner mind-blowing orgasms
I have a hard time reaching orgasm, hope positions will help me
I don't currently have a sex partner, but I want to get better in bed
I'm just curious and looking for some fun
Voted: 127939

Awesome. Thanks for being real with me. Regardless of the reason that led you here, I promise, you’ll learn a lot of exciting stuff, because this site is all about sex poses.

Sex Posititions Club – the biggest, most authoritative and trusted online catalog of sex positions.

We’ve collected all the sex positions we could find across the internet (including ones from porn 😉), sorted them into categories and types, described each one, added a picture and assigned a safety level (because we care about our users).

We featured on:

Sex Positiuons Club featured in popular media outlets

What makes SexPositions.Club unique:

  • 475+ sex positions. Our catalog boasts more than 475 variants of sex positions.
  • User-friendly navigation. All sex positions are categorized for easy browsing and search.
  • Name + Photo + Description. Each sex position comes with a name, number, image, description, and a list of categories it belongs to.
  • Safety. Each position is assigned a safety level (safe, be careful, dangerous) and a level of difficulty (easy, medium, hard, crazy).
  • User ratings. Each position features a user-based rating system.

To learn more about Sex Positions Club (our mission – what it’s for, functionality – how to use it, and etc.), click here. But, we’re moving forward.

So, what are you going to learn from this tutorial?

Why do we need different sex positions?

Advantages of using different sex positions

  • Spice up your sex life. This is the first and arguably the most important reason why most people are interested in new sex positions and try to implement them in their bedroom antics. The same old sex routine can eventually become lackluster and stop delivering those thrilling sensations that got your blood pumping in the early days. Hence, sooner or later, every couple comes to the realization that they need to switch things up in bed, shake up their sex routine to keep the passion, intrigue, and interest alive.

    Variety and novelty keep your sex life exciting to the hilt.

    There are a bunch of ways to freshen up your sex life in a relationship, and experimenting with different sex positions ranks pretty high on the list.

  • Boost a woman’s chances of orgasm. Yes, bringing a woman to orgasm isn’t as straightforward as it is for a man. Men, in most instances, tend not to struggle with this. Statistics reveal that only 30% of women climax during sex with their partner. There are many reasons behind this – more on that in the FAQ section – but for now, let’s highlight that a woman’s primary erogenous zones (clitoris, G-spot, and others) aren’t stimulated the same way in different sex positions. Hence, choosing the right pose can significantly impact whether a woman will climax or not.
  • Improve partner compatibility. We’re all different. If you look at the range of penises and vaginas, you’ll realize that sexual organs, in both men and women, vary greatly in shape, size, etc. Men and women can also differ in physique and height, have potential mobility restrictions or health issues, not to mention individual sexual tastes and preferences. All these variations can affect a couple’s sex life. Different love-making positions provide an opportunity for any pair to adapt and enjoy each other, regardless of the conditions or characteristics of their bodies and sexual preferences.

Sex positions are like spices, capable of giving the same dish different flavors (Mika Miro).

Next up, let’s talk about the types of these “spices” and get them all sorted out.

Categories of Sex Positions

The catalogue on SexPositions.Club features a plethora of positions and their variants. For easy navigation and a hassle-free search experience, we’ve broken them down into various categories, which you can explore right below.

Sex positions are a hot topic and, as I mentioned earlier, they’re surrounded by a heap of myths. In this article, we’re going to bust a good chunk of those.

I wonder which of these myths you still believe in 😉. Keep reading you’re about to find out.

How many sex positions are there?

How many sex positions are there

I’d bet it’s a question you’ve pondered too. So, how many sex positions do you reckon there are?

Alright, let’s not beat around the bush. The truth is, there isn’t a definitive answer.

There are just a handful of basic types of positions (which we’ll touch upon very soon), each with a myriad of variants.

In essence, most of the positions showcased on this site are variations of a small number of fundamental position types. And the number of these variants is boundless.

It’s similar to colors: there are 7 primary colors, each with hundreds of shades.

In reality, the question of how many sex positions exist is, in my opinion, not of utmost importance. It’s definitely not the first thing to learn when it comes to sex positions. I’ve mentioned it only because it’s a frequent question.

Sex, after all, is a creative process, and creativity doesn’t like boundaries!

What’s more crucial is understanding how sex positions work, specifically how a penis, clitoris, and vaginal walls are stimulated in various sex positions. By understanding this, you’ll be able to provide maximum stimulation for both yourself and your partner in any position, and easily lead each other to orgasm. Learn how it works here.

Okay, I can feel it’s about time to wrap up this theoretical chit-chat and move on to more exciting and practical stuff.

The Best Sex Positions

Okay, let’s talk about the best sex positions!

Sex position #175 - Overpass. (man on top, reverse). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #175 – Overpass
Sex position #463 - Mountain сreek (on the sofa). (from behind, rear entry, man on top, reverse, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #463 – Mountain сreek
Sex position #440 - Thor's hammer (on the sofa). (man on top, reverse, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #440 – Thor’s hammer

Wait, wait, wait! Don’t go, cool down, breathe out. It was just a joke! 😂 Speaking of, if that went over your head, let’s agree on not attempting crazy stuff just yet, alright?)

I just couldn’t resist the urge to show you THIS. Damn… The things you come across in porn!)

By the way, for the curious cats out there, I’ll continue with a list of crazy sex positions from porn a bit later on this page (keep reading!).

Yeah, so let’s continue with the sex positions shown above… Of course, these are far from being the best sex positions. In fact, they’re more like extreme sports that I’d advise most of you to be wary of, especially young guys who often mistakenly take porn as the gold standard for real life.

At the end of the article, in the FAQ section, I’ll spill the beans on a little secret about why the internet is littered with such unbelievable sex positions. Stay tuned! 😉

The Best Sex Positions According to Surveys

Alright, I’ve teased you a tad, maybe piqued your intrigue, and now it’s time to shed light on what folks themselves consider the best sex positions out there.

To figure this out, we at Sex Positions Club conducted several polls with approximately 5000 participations made.

Here’s what they revealed:

The Best Sex Position For a Mind-Blowing Orgasm.

The Big O – that delightful culmination, that sweet prize, that both partners enter this delightful game of sex to win.

For men, regardless of the position, 97% strike gold each time they play. However, around 70% of women are simply content with being part of the game.

Hang tight, you’ll learn why this happens a bit later. For now, let’s check out what the remaining lucky 30% of women and 97% of men have to say about the best positions for reaching orgasms.


The best sex position for a mind blowing orgasm

As we can see, men and women have a mutual top three of favorites.

  • Missionary (front to front)
  • Cowgirl (woman on top)
  • Doggy style (man from behind)

Roughly in the same proportions as well. But, for women, the missionary took the top spot, while men gave theirs to doggy style.

By the way, any guesses why men are so smitten with doggy style? 🤔 Hold on to your guess, and later in the FAQ section, we’ll reveal the answer. You can check out if you hit the bull’s eye! 😉

Here’s just a part of our research. But if you want to know which positions are the most commonly used, which ones are best for connecting with partner, which ones make feel sexy, and some other interesting insights, check out our full sex position study.

But one way or another, the poll showed that:

Missionary, doggy, cowgirl – the 3 best and hence most popular sex positions.

Remember I mentioned earlier that there are essentially 3 basic types of sex positions?

So each of the best sex positions represents one type.

  • Face to face / front to front (Missionary);
  • Man from behind (Doggy-style);
  • Woman on top (Cowgirl).

These are the 3 basic types of sex positions, but each one has many variations.

So let’s take a look at these variations. 😏

New sex positions to try

Okay, let’s dive into exploring various versions of basic sex positions. I’m certain many of these will leave you pleasantly surprised! Let’s kick things off with the simplest ones and gradually move towards more non-conventional and exotic variants.

Front to front (Face to Face)

As the name suggests, these are positions where partners are facing each other.

Popular examples include: the missionary position, lotus position, and butterfly position. And we’ll go over some alternatives within each.

Missionary sex position

Undoubtedly, the missionary position is one of the sex world’s top-rated positions. It’s remarkably simple and comfy for both the man and woman. There are several ways to spice up the missionary, but let’s start with the age-old standard.

Variation 1

Sex position #67 - Missionary. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #67 – Missionary

This is the classic vanilla style – the woman lies on her back, spreading her legs, and the man comes in on top.

It offers excellent stimulation for the clitoris, allowing maximum body contact and making those deeply passionate kisses possible.

Variation 2

It’s a CAT sex position. On a first glance, the Coital Alignment Technique (CAT) might not seem wildly different from your conventional missionary position. But, bear with me, the brilliance of this technique lies in the unique friction it creates.

Sex position #3 - Cat. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #3 – Cat

Let’s break it down: CAT is a smart alternative to the traditional intercourse method with a focus on maintaining an uninterrupted connection between the pubic bone of the partner performing penetration and the clitoris of the partner on the receiving end. The thrust of this method is to considerably enhance the clitoral stimulation during the act.

So instead of channeling all the energy into inward thrusts, the man (in a heterosexual relation) should focus on moving up and down along his partner’s body.

Incorporating this technique into your repertoire could foster deeper intimacy and potentially shoot up the chances of achieving the coveted simultaneous orgasm for both involved. 🚀

Variation 3

Sex position #29 - Harmony. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #29 – Harmony

To better stimulate the G-spot, you can place a pillow or a blanket under the woman’s buttocks to elevate her pelvis.

Remember, not all females experience G-spot stimulation the same way. For more on the G-spot.

Variation 4

Sex position #163 - Eagle. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #163 – Eagle

Are you a fan of a deeper penetration? Dive into this version, often referred to as the eagle sex position. In this variation, the woman draws her knees to her chest and raises her feet. The man can secure her legs with his hands, placing them under her knees.

The higher the woman raises her legs, the deeper the penetration goes.

A note of caution for men with larger penises: be gentle in this position to avoid causing pain to your partner.

Variation 5

Sex position #115 - Anvil. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #115 – Anvil

If the woman is flexible enough, she can place her feet on the man’s shoulders. In this position, her legs are brought together, which can make penetration feel tighter, leading to more pleasure for the man.

This is also an excellent variation for men with smaller penises. The legs being brought together can make her feel the penis better inside her, although clitoral stimulation may be a bit downgraded.

Variation 6

Sex position #151 - Twix. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #151 – Twix

Don’t rush to say it’s impossible! I’ve personally tried it! Everything works, and trust me the sensations are pretty cool!)

Pro tip: Move into this position from the regular missionary without pulling out. The woman should simultaneously stretch one leg along her body, while the man gently steps over it with his knee. Repeat the process with the other leg.

To prevent the penis from slipping out, the woman should tilt her pelvis towards her, in other words arch her lower back.

Even though the penetration is very shallow, the clitoral head gets intensely stimulated. A very unusual sensation, totally worth giving it a shot! 😀👍

Variation 7

Missionary position isn’t limited to just the bed. You can also give it a try on a table!

Sex position #313 - Chef (on the table). (face to face, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #313 – Chef

Just make sure the table is sturdy! 😉 Essentially, it doesn’t even have to be a table — it could be a car hood or even a washing machine.

Variation 8

How about injecting some spice and a dash of the exotic?

Sex position #451 - Сounterblow (on the chair). (face to face, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #451 – Сounterblow

As you can see, this is the missionary again, only in a more vertical position, sitting on a chair. I admit, it’s quite complicated and uncomfortable, though it looks very appealing. But, there’s a solution!

Variation 9

Sex position #365 - French Kiss (on the armchair). (face to face, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #365 – French Kiss

Here’s a more comfortable alternative. It’s much more pleasant for the woman to sit in the chair, and the man doesn’t have to squat. Instead, he kneels and practically doesn’t get tired.

Variation 10

And in the chair, you can try it like this:

Sex position #350 - XXX (on the armchair). (man on top, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #350 – XXX

Variation 11

Ready to go further? Just make sure you’re in good physical shape.

Sex position #72 - Workout. (face to face, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #72 – Workout

Although sex in this position will be brief, it’s guaranteed to be bright and memorable.

Understanding your partner’s genitals is vital to being a fantastic lover and giving them mind-blowing orgasms. Check out the detailed guides on:
The Female Vagina.
The Male Penis.

Lotus sex position

On closer inspection, you can notice that the lotus sex position is pretty much the same missionary, only vertically implemented, but penetration isn’t as deep.

This style is more suitable for slow, sensuous lovemaking. An intimate tender pose full of embraces and kisses—everything so many women love.

Here are a few ideas on how to mix things up in this position.

But as per tradition, let’s start with the standard variation.

Variation 1

The man is seated, and the woman is sitting on top of him.

Sex position #406 - Oasis. (woman on top, face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #406 – Oasis

Variation 2

The woman can lean backward, which will intensify G-spot stimulation.

Sex position #215 - Cradle. (face to face, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #215 – Cradle

Variation 3

If the man is strong enough, getting on his knees can facilitate deeper penetration and enhance clitoral stimulation.

Sex position #225 - Elephantl. (face to face, kneeling, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #225 – Elephantl

This is, without a doubt, a vivid, albeit somewhat energy-consuming version, and it might not be suitable for everyone.

Variation 4

There are far simpler and more comfortable options—for example, in a chair.

Sex position #325 - Zodiac (on the armchair). (woman on top, face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #325 – Zodiac

Or at the edge of the bed.

Variation 5

Sex position #317 - Merger (on the bed). (woman on top, face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #317 – Merger

Or on the couch.

Variation 6

Sex position #335 - Tug of war. (cowgirl, woman on top, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #335 – Tug of war

Interestingly, in the lotus position, the further the partners lean away from each other, the deeper the penetration becomes, intensifying G-spot stimulation.

Variation 7

And here is what the lotus position looks like on a table.

Sex position #394 - Cowgirl (on the table). (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #394 – Cowgirl (on the table).

However, I wouldn’t suggest the woman kneel—it would be uncomfortable and painful. It’s better to wrap your legs around your partner.

Butterfly sex position

The unique feature of this position is typically the man being more upright, with the woman almost or fully lying down. This means partners are usually positioned at a right angle to one another.

Penetration at such an angle allows for intense vaginal front wall stimulation (where the G-spot is located) and deeper penetration.

Let’s start with the common version of the butterfly sex position.

Variation 1

The woman lies on her back at the edge of the bed, while the man kneels on the floor, placing her legs on his shoulders before entering her.


Sex position #410 - Riverside (on the bed). (anal sex, right angle, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #410 – Riverside

Variation 2

Here’s a variant on a flat surface (either on the floor or when both partners are on the bed).

Sex position #199 - Nirvana. (kneeling, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #199 – Nirvana

Variation 3

If the woman’s body type and flexibility allow, the man can support this position.

Sex position #302 - Intimate launch pad. (anal sex, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #302 – Launch pad

To do this, he would need to hold her legs under the knees, spread them apart and press them to the floor.

Here are a few more variants to try.

Variation 4

Sex position #81 - Lock. (right angle, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #81 – Lock

Variation 5

Sex position #105 - Basket. (face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #105 – Basket

Variation 6

Sex position #248 - Legs on shoulders. (face to face, right angle, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #248 – Legs on shoulders

Variation 7

Sex position #392 - Coffee table. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, reverse, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #392 – Coffee table

Variation 8

Sex position #219 - Caramel. (kneeling, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #219 – Caramel

Variation 9

Sex position #485 - Descent (on the sofa). (anal sex, from behind, right angle, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #485 – Descent

Variation 10

Sex position #339 - Temptation (on the table). (face to face, right angle, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #339 – Temptation

Variation 11

Sex position #416 - Equilibrium (on the ball). (anal sex, right angle, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #416 – Equilibrium

Variation 12

Sex position #357 - Butter Churner. (reverse, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #357 – Butter Churner

Well, we’re finished with face-to-face positions. So now, let’s move on to more thrilling types of sex positions.

Man From Behind

This type of position awakens special emotions in a couple, as it originates from our ancient animalistic instincts. It allows the man to feel like the dominant alpha, and the woman — like the submissive female.

The main representatives of this type are: Doggy Style position, Prone Bone position, and Spooning position. Let’s look at some options for each of them.

Doggy Style sex position

The classic doggy style is the perfect position for giving your partner that “Who’s your daddy!” thrill!

Variation 1

The woman gets on all fours, and the man kneels behind her.

Sex position #140 - Doggy Style. (doggy style, from behind, kneeling, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #140 – Doggy Style

But, despite the fact that many women also enjoy this position, not all can reach orgasm in it as the clitoris is hardly stimulated. Therefore:

To make this position even more pleasurable for the woman, someone needs to provide additional clitoral stimulation (either the man or the woman herself).

And if the man decides to take on this mission, it’s more convenient to do so in the next position.

Variation 2

This is a more intimate version of doggy style, providing maximum body contact between partners.

Sex position #260 - Tight Squeeze. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #260 – Tight Squeeze

The man lying behind lays his chest and stomach onto the woman’s back. He can embrace her with one hand or both at once, resting entirely on his partner.

From this position, it’s most convenient for the man to provide additional clitoral stimulation to the woman using his hand or a sex toy.

Variation 3

For those couples who enjoy rougher sex with a dash of dirty talk, take note of this variation.

Sex position #230 - Downward Dog. (doggy style, from behind, kneeling, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #230 – Downward Dog

On all fours, the woman spreads her legs widely and lays her upper body on the bed.

Variation 4

And here’s a Flatiron position for increased G-spot stimulation.

Sex position #316 - Low doggy. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #316 – Low doggy

The woman nearly lies flat on her stomach, legs spread. Her lower back is lifted by a pillow or a roller placed under her pelvis. The man covers her from above, supporting himself on his hands.

This version is very similar to the Prone Bone position, which we’re going to explore later.

Variation 5

Men appreciate doggy style so much because many variations allow them to see their penis entering their partner’s vagina – a sight that can deeply ignite their excitement.

And this position right here is incredibly revealing in that regard.

Sex position #4 - Clapper. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #4 – Clapper

Variation 6

Want to take it to the wild and kinky side? This and the following two positions can help fulfill your hidden desires.

Sex position #68 - Bulldog. (doggy style, from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #68 – Bulldog

Because the penetration happens vertically (top-down), G-spot stimulation is maximized, despite penetration not being particularly deep.

Variation 7

This position can be quite exhausting for the man, but for a grand finale, it’s a go-to like no other 😉.

Sex position #340 - Сhili dog. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #340 – Сhili dog

Variation 8

Feel like a real conqueror of peaks!

Sex position #318 - Rear admiral. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #318 – Rear admiral

In sex, the angle of penis penetration and understanding how the female vagina works are vital. These two factors can help men “hit the mark” and bring women to climax quickly. Read more about it here.

Variation 9

And this exotic Frog sex position will suit fans of wild sex fantastically.

Sex position #164 - Frog. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #164 – Frog

Both partners get on their haunches. The woman leans a little forward, and the man leans back.

Standing Doggy Style

We’re still on the theme of Doggy Style, and today I’m going to show you 10 creative variations of it standing up, with the man entering from behind.

Variation 1

The woman kneels at the edge of the bed and lies down on her stomach. This extremely sexy and arousing position gives the guy a full view of penetration – whether it’s vaginal or anal mystery unraveling.

Sex position #489 - Сhibi (on the bed). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #489 – Сhibi

Variation 2

Got a fitness ball at home? Great! You can try a couple of adventurous positions with it too.


Sex position #409 - Punishment (on the ball). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #409 – Punishment

Here’s how: The woman lies down on her stomach on the fitness ball, and the man stands behind (or on top, for the extra thrill), holding his partner at the waist.

Variation 3

Sex position #388 - Need for Speed (on the ball). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #388 – Need for Speed

For better stability, the woman can spread her legs wider, hugging the ball with her thighs.

Variation 4

A fan-favorite from the world of adult cinema, this position involves the woman placing one knee on a table, while the man enters from behind.

Sex position #442 - Wild pony (on the table). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #442 – Wild pony

Variation 5

Keep that table handy because it’s time for another variation using it.

Sex position #359 - Pterodactyl (on the table). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #359 – Pterodactyl

Variation 6

Here’s a position that might need a bit more patience from our ladies out there, but it rewards the guys with quite the sight. A key requirement is a couch with a thick, soft side.

Sex position #321 - Сobra (on the sofa). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #321 – Сobra

A key requirement is a couch with a thick, soft side.

Variation 7

This one’s a keeper – simple, yet highly comfortable for both the man and the woman.

Sex position #407 - Amateur (on the armchair). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #407 – Amateur

Variation 8

The best choice for those tight spaces (think washroom, shower, changing room, cubicle, etc.).

Sex position #7 - Candle. (from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #7 – Candle

Additionally, this position facilitates clothed sex. You’ll simply need to pull down your pants (or hike up the skirt if the lady is wearing one).

Sex position #82 - Venus. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #82 – Venus

Variation 9

After a heated Doggy Style session, switch to this position for a cooldown and some cuddle time.

Sex position #189 - Oath. (from behind, kneeling, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #189 – Oath
Sex position #128 - Lap Dance. (from behind, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #128 – Lap Dance

Prone Bone sex position (woman lying on stomach)

In this position, the woman lies on her stomach and the man covers her from the top, resting on his arms.

This position tends to deeply stimulate the G-spot. And the more the man’s body takes a horizontal position, the more this area is stimulated.

Variation 1

The basic Prone Bone position – the woman’s legs are close together, and the man’s thighs hug them from the outside.

Sex position #131 - Plain. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #131 – Plain

Variation 2

You can flip the script here. The woman spreads her legs, and the man positions himself in between.

Sex position #8 - Boat. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #8 – Boat

With this variation, penetration can be a bit deeper, but not as snug as the regular variation when the woman’s legs are together.

Variation 3

Perfect for a foreplay that smoothly transitions into sex.

Sex position #155 - Jockey. (from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #155 – Jockey

Sitting on his partner’s buttocks, it all starts with a gentle, relaxing, and exciting erotic massage. After a little warm-up, the man can enter.

Variation 4


Sex position #47 - Magic Mountain. (from behind, kneeling, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #47 – Magic Mountain

This style is also called the Pretzel position.The woman rolls a bit onto her left side and pulls up her right knee. Her partner then sits on her left thigh.

Variation 5

Sex position #71 - Lazy Dog. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #71 – Lazy Dog

Yet another unique version of the Prone Bone position.

Variation 6

Let’s get real here – this position might not have much to offer the ladies, but the guys are sure to love it.

Sex position #201 - Fan. (from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #201 – Fan

Even though the penetration isn’t deep and the angle might seem awkward, the view for the man can be quite, let’s say, ‘inspirational’.

Pro tip: For more comfortable penetration, ladies can prop up their hips with a pillow or bolster.

Variation 7

Also referred to as the Helicopter sex position, it’s essentially a twisted Prone Bone, in which the man faces the woman’s feet.

Sex position #221 - Helicopter. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry, reverse). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #221 – Helicopter

The G-spot receives some serious love here, but there’s a catch.

G-spot is stimulated by the backside of the penis’s head, which enhances the sensations for the woman and helps the man last longer.

At first glance, this position might seem impossible, but trust me, it isn’t. To insert a penis, the man simply has to guide it with his hand. At this point, the woman can elevate her buttocks by arching her back.

It is also worth noting that for a small penis (less than average) this position will not work, as the penis will constantly fall out.

Spooning sex position (side by side)

Let’s talk about one of the most chill, laid-back positions in the book: spooning!

We’ve all been there: it’s early morning and the alarm hasn’t gone off yet, or a long day has crawled to a close, and the idea of high-energy acrobatics in the bedroom is just…a lot. But the urge is there, and you’re both up for some intimacy. Enter spooning!

It’s truly a lazy sex position! A sideways love dance, also fondly referred to as spooning, is supremely simple, incredibly comfortable, and requires minimal effort for maximum pleasure.

It’s no surprise that this sensuous position is a staple among couples everywhere.

Variation 1

So both partners are snuggled up, lying on their sides, and he’s spooning her from behind.

Sex position #39 - Bizet. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #39 – Bizet

Here’s where it gets even better. Guys, this position provides an excellent stage for you to tease and tantalize her sweet spot.

Your hands are at the perfect angle, and you have prime access to her clitoris.

You can introduce a little hand-play for extra pleasure. Let your fingers do the talking, tracing circles, or stroking gently.

Your touch can be as light as a whisper or as intense as you both want. But don’t stop there!

Consider bringing in a special guest: a vibrator. This handy little device can turn up the heat in no time!

A vibrator can add a completely new level of pleasurable sensations for her. It’s all about mixing things up and giving her an experience she won’t quickly forget.

Here are some more options for the spooning position.

Variation 2

Sex position #52 - Creme brulee. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #52 – Creme brulee

Variation 3

Sex position #356 - Lazy evening. (on the couch, anal sex, from behind, rear entry, sideways, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #356 – Lazy evening

Variation 4

Sex position #76 - Butterfly. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #76 – Butterfly

Variation 5

Sex position #183 - Tamer. (from behind, rear entry, reverse, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #183 – Tamer

Don’t be surprised if this remix on spooning quickly becomes your go-to for those extra cozy moments!

Remember, sometimes the simplest positions allow for the most decadent delights.

Woman Lying on the Side, Man Coming from Behind

These positions are more about the visual aesthetics and novelty than about racing to an orgasmic finish line. Sometimes, it’s all about savoring the journey and not the endpoint, right?)

Although this position might not guarantee a lightning-fast orgasm, it certainly introduces a fresh angle (literally) to intercourse that can trigger some different, exciting sensations for both of you.

Variation 1

She’s lying snugly on her side, her curves highlighted in the soft lighting of the room, making a beautiful silhouette.

Sex position #276 - Propeller (on the table). (anal sex, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #276 – Propeller

He approaches from behind, standing and aligning his body to meet hers.

Now, let’s go one step further. Ready to unlock more ideas?

Sometimes, stepping off the beaten path in the bedroom can lead to thrilling new discoveries!

Variation 2

Sex position #471 - Gimlet (on the couch). (anal sex, from behind, rear entry, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #471 – Gimlet

Variation 3

Sex position #382 - Screw (on the bed). (anal sex, from behind, rear entry, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #382 – Screw

Variation 4

Sex position #211 - Emperor. (from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #211 – Emperor

Variation 5

Sex position #91 - Iris. (from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #91 – Iris

Woman on top

Woman on top positions are sexual postures in which the woman mounts the man and takes the reins of pleasure.

Prime examples of these positions include: the Cowgirl position, Reverse Cowgirl position, and Amazon position. Let’s explore what each of these positions holds.

The main advantage for the man in these positions is that he can luxuriate in the experience without exerting much effort — simply observing his partner and touching her most luscious areas.

For the woman, it’s not just about asserting her sexuality in a dominant role, it’s also the ability to stimulate herself in the way she likes best, as she controls the angle, depth, and rhythm of penetration.

The cowgirl position speaks volumes about a woman’s sexual confidence and the freedom with which she expresses her intimate desires.

Cowgirl position

Variation 1

The classic Cowgirl position is where the man lies on his back, and the woman mounts him from above.

Sex position #113 - Cowgirl. (cowgirl, face to face, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #113 – Cowgirl

Variation 2

The woman can lean back, supporting herself on her arms. With legs wide open, she allows her partner to watch his cock enter her.

Sex position #77 - Crab. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #77 – Crab

The more the woman leans back, the more the G-spot gets stimulated.

By the way, for women looking to experiment with anal sex but apprehensive about entrusting this to their partner, these positions offer full penetration control. 😊

Variation 3

By folding her legs together or crossing one over the other, a tighter penetration can be achieved, greatly enhancing the stimulation for both partners.

Sex position #125 - Alley. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #125 – Alley

Variation 4

The woman leans back as far as she can, propping herself on her elbows.

Sex position #65 - Case. (cowgirl, lying down, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #65 – Case

Not every couple will find this penetration angle comfortable, but some discover a certain charm to it.

Variation 5

Now let’s look at the variation where the woman leans forward. This position is also known as the Inverted Missionary.

Sex position #101 - Watering can. (face to face, lying down, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #101 – Watering can


Just like the missionary position, this posture allows for excellent clit stimulation.

Add some fervent embraces and kisses, and this position becomes particularly intimate and sensual.

Sex position #283 - Lizard. (woman on top, face to face, spooning, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #283 – Lizard

In conclusion, the key take-away here is:

In the Cowgirl position, the more the woman leans back, the more the G-spot is stimulated, and the more she leans forward, the more the clit comes into play.

Reverse Cowgirl position

Variation 1

Here’s the basic version of the Reverse Cowgirl position, with the man lying on his back and the woman mounting him, her back facing him.

Sex position #150 - Reverse Cowgirl. (cowgirl, from behind, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #150 – Reverse Cowgirl

This is also the perfect position for men who love kneading a woman’s ass!)

And since the woman’s hands are free, she can add extra clit stimulation with her fingers or a sex toy.

Variation 2

Sex position #293 - Shameless. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #293 – Shameless

The more the woman leans forward, the more the tantalizing view is available to the man.

The real charm of this position is the visual treat a woman can give her man, especially if she’s proficient in twerking!)

Variation 3

Here’s a fun version you can try on a couch.

Sex position #502 - Khaleesi (on the couch). (cowgirl, woman on top, from behind). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #502 – Khaleesi

Variation 4

The man can sit up to embrace his lover from behind and play with her breasts.

Sex position #185 - Backwards Cowgirl. (cowgirl, from behind, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #185 – Backwards Cowgirl

Variation 5

By leaning back, the woman can intensify the stimulation of the front vaginal wall.

Sex position #441 - Overturned. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #441 – Overturned

Variation 6

The woman fully leans back, and the man supports her waist by propping himself up on his elbows onto the floor.

Sex position #138 - Asian Cowgirl. (from behind, rear entry, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #138 – Asian Cowgirl

Even if the woman is on top, in this position, the man takes the active role.

Variation 7

Try these positions sitting on the edge of a bed, or the rotated Lotus position.


Sex position #450 - Comfortable place (on the bed). (anal sex, woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #450 – Comfortable place

Variation 8

Same as above, try it while sitting on a chair.

Sex position #393 - Erotic poster (on the armchair). (woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #393 – Erotic poster

Amazon position

The Amazon position has much similarity to the Cowgirl, with one delightful twist.

Thanks to the lifted legs of the man, the angle of penetration becomes highly favorable for stimulating the G-spot.

Variation 1

The common version involves the man lying on his back, drawing his knees to his chest, and the woman mounting him, resting her weight on the back of his thighs.

Sex position #161 - Amazon. (cowgirl, face to face, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #161 – Amazon

Variation 2

The woman leans further forward, supporting herself on her arms, while stretching her legs a bit backward. Yes, it becomes the Inverted missionary position again!)

Sex position #246 - Ladyboy. (cowgirl, woman on top, face to face, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #246 – Ladyboy

Variation 3

Want more intimacy, kisses, and tenderness? No problem! For that, the woman can fully lie on top.

Sex position #252 - Fifth element. (woman on top, face to face, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #252 – Fifth element

Variation 4

Here’s what you get when you combine your fantasies with the Cowgirl, Amazon, and Doggy Style positions!)

Sex position #459 - Passive doggy. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #459 – Passive doggy

Variation 5

The same as above, only with the man lying on the bed and the woman standing near the bed.

Sex position #331 - Soft chair (on the bed). (woman on top, from behind, rear entry, reverse,). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #331 – Soft chair



Other good sex positions for couples

Scissors position

Many of you might have heard of the Scissor sex position. Here’s what it looks like:

Variation 1

This is the regular version, where the man lays perpendicular to the woman’s body. It allows him to penetrate as deeply as possible.

Sex position #224 - Scissor. (criss cross, lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #224 – Scissor

The ensuing thigh-over-thigh friction can add an extra layer of clit stimulation for the woman.

Variation 2

In this position, the man lays parallel to the woman. It may not allow for deep entry like the previous position, but it does open up opportunities for kisses, or whispering sweet nothings (be it tender, naughty, or downright dirty) into your partner’s ear.

Sex position #64 - Tango. (face to face, lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #64 – Tango

And here are three more variations to spice up the Scissor position.

Variation 3

Sex position #129 - Octopus. (reverse, right angle, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #129 – Octopus

Variation 4

Sex position #461 - Wrestling (on the bed). (right angle, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #461 – Wrestling

Variation 5

Sex position #218 - Corkscrew. (from behind, kneeling, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #218 – Corkscrew


Oral sex positions

Oral sex can be incredibly pleasurable for both parties. The tongue is wet, soft, and nimble – the perfect tool for delivering delightful sensations. Nearly everybody loves receiving oral sex, but some may not be as keen on giving it. So, do you enjoy giving oral?

Guys, do you like to eat pussy?
I eat pussy because I enjoy doing it
I eat pussy purely for my partner's pleasure
I don't like it. It's just not for me
Voted: 26664
Girls, do you like to give blowjobs?
I give blowjobs because I enjoy doing it
I give blowjobs purely for my partner's pleasure
I don't give blowjobs. It's just not for me
Voted: 22275


Ladies, realize that your position during a blowjob is primarily for your own comfort, as you can best showcase your skills when you’re comfortable. The overall quality of a blowjob is approximately 5% reliant on the position.

The remaining 95% depends on your blowjob technique and a few crucial secrets.

Variation 1

Sex position #486 - Source (on the bed). (oral sex, blowjob, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #486 – Source

This is the perfect position for blowjobs. The man is maximally relaxed, and the woman is comfortably kneeling, supporting herself on her elbows. Her hands are free, letting her stimulate the man further.

And below are a few other variations.

Variation 2


Sex position #354 - Сompliment (on the bed). (oral sex, blowjob, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #354 – Сompliment

Variation 3

Sex position #223 - Zeus. (blowjob, oral sex, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #223 – Zeus

Variation 4

Sex position #38 - Soldier. (blowjob, lying down, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #38 – Soldier

Variation 5

Sex position #159 - Angry Pirate. (blowjob, man on top, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #159 – Angry Pirate

Now, let’s spice things up with a little bit of exotica! 😉


Men generally love to feast with their eyes during sex, so they might prefer to devour a woman in various positions. But if your primary concern is her pleasure, the position doesn’t play the starring role, much like with blowjobs.

You can give her mind-blowing orgasms once you learn how to eat her pussy correctly!

Variation 1

Classic! Simple, comfortable, and pleasurable.

Sex position #11 - Inquisitor. (cunnilingus, lying down, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #11 – Inquisitor

Variation 2

Face-sitting. The woman needs to control her body position so as not to smother her partner!

Sex position #146 - Emmanuel. (cunnilingus, kneeling, oral sex, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #146 – Emmanuel

Variation 3

An unconventional way of licking her pussy.

Sex position #345 - Pie in the sky. (oral sex, cunnilingus, standing, from behind). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #345 – Pie in the sky

Variation 4

Almost a 69 but not quite!)

Sex position #110 - Tiramisu. (cunnilingus, kneeling, oral sex, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #110 – Tiramisu

Variation 5

In this position, it is not only convenient to eat her out but also to play with her booty.

Sex position #86 - Forbidden Fruit. (cunnilingus, from behind, kneeling, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #86 – Forbidden Fruit

69 sex position

This is an excellent choice for couples where both partners relish oral sex – both giving and receiving. The 69 position allows partners to orally pleasure each other simultaneously.

There are three primary ways to execute the 69 position.

Variation 1

In this variant, the woman is on top.

Sex position #10 - Circle. (69 sex position, kneeling, lying down, oral sex, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #86 – Forbidden Fruit

Variation 2

Here, the man is on top.

Sex position #61 - Speaker. (69 sex position, lying down, man on top, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #61 – Speaker

The main downside of the first two variations is that the partner on top constantly needs to self-regulate to avoid smothering their partner underneath.

Variation 3

This side-lying variation is arguably the most comfortable and versatile option.

Sex position #85 - Scorpio. (69 sex position, lying down, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #85 – Scorpio

Both partners lie on their sides without exerting pressure on the other. Irrespective of different weight proportions or if both partners are heavier, it simply doesn’t matter with this variant of the 69 position.

Exotic and extreme sex positions from porn

And now, let’s shift gears to a moment of “relaxation” and good vibes!😉 Don’t take anything you see below too seriously. As promised, I’m continuing with the list of crazy positions I’ve come across in porn while curating content for this site.

Now, before any brave souls or sexual adventurers decide to test these positions, a word of caution:

Evalute your capabilities (strength and stamina) soberly before attempting any of these positions. The idea is to avoid injuries.

Remember, these are positions for entertainment, not for pleasure.

Variation 1

Here’s the Wheelbarrow sex position. The woman supports herself on her arms, while her legs wrap around the waist of her standing partner from behind.

Sex position #241 - Wheelbarrow. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #241 – Wheelbarrow

Variation 2

This is the Full Nelson position. It’s quite popular in hardcore porn.

Sex position #413 - Full nelson. (anal sex, woman on top, from behind, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #413 – Full nelson

What can I say… Masturbating to such a position is way easier than actually trying it out! 😉

Variation 3

If both you and your partner have strong arms, you might want to give this pleasure flight a try.

Sex position #310 - Swing - 2. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #310 – Swing – 2


Variation 4

A fierce position for true alpha males whose manhood can swing a full 360 degrees like a propeller! 😆

Sex position #295 - Iron throne. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, reverse, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #295 – Iron throne


Variation 5

This one’s for the yoga lovers! By the way, how many asanas do you know?

Sex position #279 - Russian roulette. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, reverse, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #279 – Russian roulette

Either way, you now know one more!)

Variation 6

I’m sure this isn’t something you could have envisioned even in your wildest fantasies!😏

Sex position #428 - Seahorse (on the armchair). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #428 – Seahorse

Variation 7

This one’s called the Eiffel Tower position. See the resemblance? 😉

Sex position #229 - Eiffel Tower. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #229 – Eiffel Tower

Variation 8

This is the Piledriver sex position. Feeling a bit annoyed with your beloved? Now you know how to teach her a lesson! 😅

Sex position #447 - Piledriver. (anal sex, reverse, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #447 – Piledriver

Actually, that’s not all. You’ll find even more such positions in our crazy sex positions section.

For now, let’s get back down to earth and return to more realistic sex. Let’s delve into a few more important topics.

10 tips when you trying a new sex position

Sex positions - what do you need them for?

I’m guessing you’ve gotten pretty excited already and have some big plans lined up for tonight! 😉 You’ve probably cherry-picked a few new sex positions that you can’t wait to try.

Sexual experiments are always interesting, thrilling, captivating, and of course, highly pleasurable, but only if you do them right.

That’s why I want to share some important advice that you should bear in mind when trying out new sex positions.

  • Stay in touch. Don’t hesitate to check-in with your partner from time to time. Ask if they are comfortable or if there’s anything they need. Moans don’t always equate to pleasure!
  • Be honest with each other. Not all sex positions will suit your unique pairing, and that’s perfectly okay! Speak up if you are uncomfortable.
  • Pain or discomfort? Stop! You should never put up with pain or discomfort during sex for the sake of your partner. The cost can end up being much higher than you might think.
  • Smooth start. As you both aren’t yet sure how a new position might feel, always start with shallow and smooth thrusts. This will allow both of you to gradually adapt to the new pose.
  • Simplicity is key! The best sex positions are usually the simplest and most comfortable ones. So, sometimes there’s no need to complicate things if you’re just aiming for pleasure.
  • Don’t make conclusions after the first attempt. Our bodies aren’t static. Our libido, mood, and well-being can change and affect how we experience sex. That means we might respond a bit differently to the same stimulations. So, if you or your partner didn’t enjoy a position the first time, don’t cross it off the list just yet. Under different circumstances, it might offer a whole new range of sensations.
  • Adjust the position to suit you. There’s no need to replicate a position exactly as shown in a picture. Your main goal isn’t copying the pose but deriving pleasure from it. So, don’t be afraid to modify it for comfort.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Relax and allow yourself to look awkward, silly, or even funny. Focus on your feelings and sensations, not on how you look.
  • Be realistic about your capabilities. Some positions require a certain level of fitness (strength or flexibility). In the heat of passion, you might overestimate your capabilities or those of your partner and end up getting injured.
  • Gradually increase complexity. Your bedroom experiments should be gradual. Don’t try something outlandish immediately if your sexual repertoire so far consists of missionary, doggy style, and cowgirl.

Embrace these tips, and your sexual explorations will sail smoothly, effortlessly, and delightfully.

Sex positions + sex toys = new feelings!

Sex toy for different sex positions

In our modern day and age, we are blessed with a plethora of intimate aids and sex toys that can amp up your love life and exponentially enhance your sensations during sex.

I’m about to drop some knowledge on what I consider the absolute essential game-changers to enrich your experimentation with sex positions.

  • Lubricant. This little helper tops the list as a must-have for every couple. Lube comes to the rescue whenever a woman is low on her natural juices for one reason or another. It’s an especially critical ally for anal sex. Learn more about the different types of lubes and how to choose the one best suited for you.
  • Vibrator. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and settings. The vibrator’s superpower lies in, well, vibrating. The stimulation of erogenous zones through vibration is a unique sensation you wouldn’t want to miss. It’s a common misconception to consider vibrators as exclusive tools for masturbation. Nowadays, there are dozens of different types of vibrators, and many of them can be recruited for additional stimulation during sex. Discover the different types of vibrators and how best to use them.
  • Cock Rings. This masculine accessory harnesses the power to sustain a longer and harder erection. However, advanced models take it up a notch by offering versatile ways to stimulate both partners during sex. Look deeper into the various types of cock rings.
  • Anal Plugs. An incredible tool for a woman to intensify her orgasmic experience through the dilation of the anal sphincters. Furthermore, when an anal plug is inserted during intercourse, it decreases the vaginal capacity, thus heightening sensations for both the man and the woman. Explore different types of anal plugs here.
  • Prostate Massager. Specifically designed to boost a man’s orgasmic threshold, this sex toy gets up close and personal with the prostate, which is an erogenous zone for many men. The increase in arousal that comes with stimulating the prostate gland during sex (or masturbation), is simply sensational. But take note an anal plug isn’t an effective substitute for a prostate massager because the prostate massager has a special anatomical design – it’s elongated and curved. Here is detailed information on different types of prostate massagers.
  • Sex Furniture. This category showcases an array of aids designed to enhance or facilitate couple’s sex in different positions. From pillows, chairs, swings, Sex Chaises, Chairs and Couches, to Sex Benches and Ramps, there’s a piece of sex furniture out there to cater to every whim and fantasy. Read more about different types of sex furniture.

Never got sex toys but keen to learn more about it?

I’ve put together a concise, user-friendly guide to sex toys. It covers all types of sex toys you can find in any modern sex shop today, with brief explanations of what they are and how to use them. Check out the sex toy guide right here.

Hey Mika, what’s your take on the Kamasutra?

Best Sex Positions + 475 Different Ways To Spice Things Up In Bed

The first and the most critical point I want to address is that the Kama Sutra isn’t a catalogue of sex positions, nor is it a ‘sex bible’, though 99% of people acquainted with the term “Kama Sutra” seem to hold that misconception.

I’ll admit, I harboured the same misunderstanding until the inception of the Sex Positions Club. That’s when I delved deep into the topic.

I remember my surprise when I discovered the true essence of the Kama Sutra.

By the way, if you’re interested in learning more about this book, understanding its contents, the origins of its name, and how it gained popularity in the West, I recommend reading my article on the Kamasutra.

But for a brief overview:

The Kama Sutra is a scientific treatise by the ancient Indian philosopher and scholar Vatsyayana Mallanaga on the knowledge of true love. It is intended to build a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman on all levels, from the domestic to the intimate and spiritual side of their union, which was meant to help them achieve Kama (sensual pleasure).

Admittedly, the Kama Sutra does talk about sex positions, but such topics form a minuscule fraction of the book.

Many have fallen prey to exaggerating this aspect, erroneously stating that the Kama Sutra explores 64 sex positions. Not true.

In reality, the text investigates 64 arts of pleasuring a partner. This extends beyond sex positions to include kisses, scratches, caresses, specific sounds, and so on. The sexual poses simply form a small part of these 64 love arts.

It describes only about 20 sex positions, and that is very briefly and without pictures. With such a meager description and without minimal sketches, it is even difficult to determine exactly how some of the poses described there should look like.

What’s the worth of this book today?

What's the worth of this book today?

Well, here’s my take. I believe the Kamasutra book’s today’s value lies largely in its historical, cultural, and literary significance. It’s not about improving your sex skills.

This doesn’t mean I am downplaying the importance of this book (like the Kama Sutra) as a core artifact of human culture and history. I’m just saying that if your goal is to elevate your bedroom game:

Don’t waste your time on the Kama Sutra, use modern sex courses to get better in bed. It is much better, as it is clearer, more useful and more effective.

Myths and truths about sex positions (FAQ)

Sex positions - F.A.Q

So, we’ve arrived at the last, and in my opinion, super important and intriguing part of our sex position guide! Let’s answer some of the internet’s most frequently asked questions about sex positions. It’s high time to shed some light and put everything in its place! Here we go… 😎

How many sex positions are there?
As many as you can dream up and dare to try! The answer to this question is indeed limitless, just like music or any other form of art, there are no boundaries. Your options are only limited by your imagination and your personal comfort zone.

However, if you zoom out a bit, there are three basic positions:

- missionary (face-to-face)
- man-from-behind
- and woman-on-top.

Everything else is just variations on these steamy basics.
Can sex be fantastic in just one position?
Absolutely! Especially when it comes to more mature sex, where the sexual act is an extension and reflection, of your relationship (emotional bonds included).

When things are going great in your relationship, the energy for sex is strong, your hormonal and nervous systems are primed, and you're attracted to each other – in these cases, a couple can experience unforgettable orgasms even in the simple missionary position.

Everything begins in the mind and the level of arousal. So don’t sweat the positions too much, focus on the connection! 🧠💓
What are women's favorite sex positions?
In general, women engage in sex with their entire body and mind – given they're not distracted. Their whole body is essentially a sensory organ which is why numerous women love “high touch” sex positions that create maximum body-to-body contact, such as missionary or spooning. However, personal preferences can vary considerably and be influenced by individual sexual temperament, hormonal balance, and even the day of her menstrual cycle.
What's the best sex position for a female to orgasm?
Earlier in this guide, we shared some survey results on this topic. It seems that women often experience orgasm most frequently in the missionary position, followed by doggy style, and then, woman-on-top.

But remember, these responses represent averages – every woman is unique. 🙎‍♀️🙎🏼‍♀️🙎🏾‍♀️

This outcome shouldn’t be taken as a rule applicable to each woman. The female orgasm is a multi-faceted phenomenon, particularly the path to achieving it. Men usually have a straightforward route. If you take 100 healthy men and stimulate them in the same way, the vast majority, if not all, will probably experience an orgasm – sooner or later.

The same strategy wouldn't work with women. Each woman requires a unique approach, certain stimulation methods (target zones, intensity), and more.

While men seem to come with a default orgasm mechanism, it often falls to women to develop their own, literally learning to achieve orgasms. Thus, every woman finds her own route to orgasm, and the positions that help her get there will likely be specific to her.
What matters to women when selecting a position?
Feeling sexy is crucial. For men who may not fully understand, it essentially falls to this: it's tough for a woman to relax and turn on if she doesn’t feel beautiful and sexy.

Body image issues can plague anyone, but it seems particularly common for women to harbour concerns. If a woman is worrying about how she looks while in a particular position, these thoughts can become invasive distractions, blocking her ability to unwind and reach orgasm.

And we all know how important it is for women to be able to psychologically and physically relax during sex for maximum pleasure!

So gents, encourage your partner's confidence in her own beauty at all times, but especially in the bedroom! It truly can make all the difference! 😉
Does the Right Sex Position Guarantee a Woman's Orgasm?
No, the right sex position doesn't come with a golden ticket to her orgasm – consider it an effective tool. The real key lies in a woman's arousal: the state of mind and body where she is primed for and can't think of anything else but sex.

If a man manages to bring a woman to this state, other elements usually fall into place by themselves, and the right position further speeds her voyage to orgasm. It may seem quite evident, nonetheless, unfortunately, the majority of men overlook this crucial element.

Sex positions provide an opportunity to steer clear of boredom and augment the woman's chances of reaching an orgasm. Still, it's not a magic pill that guarantees her climax.
Why Can't Women Experience Orgasms in Every Positions Like Men?
Let's begin with the fact that it's generally harder for women to orgasm during sex than men. Sure, there are women who can easily climax in a variety of positions, but often the picture is different.

Many women struggle to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse at all. Those who can often rely on a specific pose. But why is that? This is due to our differing physiology.

 1. Female orgasms aren't as straightforward as male ones. More variables need to align for a woman to climax.
 2. The ability to have an orgasm isn't default in women as it often is in men. Most women need to develop this ability, and its level varies from woman to woman.
 3. A most woman's crucial erogenous zone - the clitoris - isn't adequately stimulated in all positions, and sometimes not at all. Without clitoral stimulation, most women might not feel anything other than mechanical friction. In contrasting this with a man's penis, specifically the glans, irrespective of the angle, it's always stimulated as it contacts the vaginal walls.
What are Men’s Favorite Sex Positions?
Many men engage in sex first visually, making use of their eyes before their penis. This tendency is often more pronounced in younger men. Visual stimuli are powerful drivers of male arousal.

Men love to see a woman's facial expressions, her breasts or butt move, and the sight of penetration. The penis is stimulated enough to orgasm in virtually all positions.

That is, to achieve orgasm for a man it is equally important how he sees sex with his eyes, not just how he feels through his penis. That's why many men like doggie style.
When is it okay to switch positions and when should you not?
The answer is anytime, with one notable exception – don't switch up sex position when you or your partner is on the brink of orgasm. Women are particularly sensitive to interruptions during this time. If a man switches positions just when a woman is about to climax, he risks facing her wrath! 😄

This links back to what's been discussed earlier about the female orgasm being more capricious. So, if you can see your partner on the edge of orgasm, try not to change a thing – just ride the wave together! 🏄‍♀️🏄
Freaky, kinky, weird, and crazy sex positions - what are they for?
You probably know exactly what I'm talking about, having seen similar things on our site or in porn! And you might be thinking, "Do they make any sense? Can anyone get an orgasm out of it?".

The first thing I want to emphasize is that sex isn't just about the orgasm, it's primarily about the emotions that pave the way to climax. Positions aren't just to accelerate to orgasm, but also to experience new emotions, to portray a fresh picture - sometimes one that may seem quite unusual or even wild at first glance.

Nobody's saying you have to maintain these positions for 10-20 minutes. Sometimes, just a few seconds will suffice, just enough for you to later recall thinking, "Wow, how was that!". The main thing is to always control the process, and to approach everything wisely so that you do not have to remember about it from the hospital bed!).

All those crazy sex positions you can find on our site, you shouldn't relate to them as positions you go from start to finish. Treat and use some of them like flashes that you can inject into your sex life for a few seconds.

But once again - before trying anything out of the ordinary, rightfully assess your own abilities and that of your partner.
Why do girls in porn cum in every position, but my girlfriend only in one?
Porn is a show created by men (producers) for men (viewers). Its main purpose is to excite the viewer, not to demonstrate how to pleasure your partner. Don't take scenes seriously where a couple is having passionate sex in an unbelievable position, and the woman is climaxing repeatedly. That's 99% acting for the camera. More often than not, positions that look highly effective on-screen are extremely uncomfortable for women.
Is there something wrong with me if I use only 2-3 positions during sex?
The short answer is - no, not at all. The quality of your sexual intimacy does not solely rely on how many positions you use, or how complex they are. You're totally OK! Most people have a few cherished "go-to" sex positions they work with. The question isn't how many positions you are using, it's whether you and your partner are satisfied with them.

If these 2 or 3 positions cater well to your and your partner's sexual needs, then you are absolutely nailing it! Pairs use different positions primarily to add some variety to their sex life (if they need it).
Why might a girl experience pain in some sex positions?
There can be a few explanations:

 - Abrupt change of position with a radical change of body position. After the change of position, you should start smoothly without sudden movements.
 - Large penis. The size that many men aspire to often becomes a source of distress for women.
 - Insufficient arousal. If a woman isn't aroused enough, her vagina might not be prepared to welcome the guy in fully.
 - Lack of lubrication. This ties back to the previous point.
 - Individual peculiarity. Some women might find certain positions painful due to the unique physiological structure of their vaginas.
 - Health issues. There are numerous female health conditions that could make sex painful, such as inflammatory processes or reproductive system diseases. So if you find yourself in a pickle with pain during sex, don't hesitate to consult with a medical professional.
My partner likes positions that are uncomfortable or painful for me. What should I do?
Most often, women have this problem. She feels uncomfortable or even painful in some positions. Remember, If it hurts, don't keep quiet! Silence does not solve the problem. Instead, it builds up a negative sexual experience, and over time your body might start associating sex with discomfort and pain, making you want to avoid it altogether. Not the fun and joyous relationship with sex we're looking for, right?

The best course of action is to communicate with your partner. Make them aware of your discomfort. Together, you can find the right angle, rhythm, and position that works for both of you. Your pleasure should never be sacrificed! Healthy sex life is a shared journey, filled with mutual respect and consideration.
What are the best sex positions for conceiving a baby?
Ohhhh.... You have no idea how popular this question is. But some people go further and are interested in the positions for conception of a boy or a girl or even twins)))))) This, by the way, is the next question I will also answer.

In fact, sex positions in no way affect the process of conception and do not contribute to it in any way. This becomes quite obvious if you understand how the process of conception goes on and what influences it. I have described all this in detail in the article Best Sex Positions for Conceiving a Baby.
What are the best sex positions for conceiving a boy, a girl, or even twins?
Sorry to break the bubble - positions do not affect this. Let me explain in the simplest way. To conceive a baby, a sperm cell (Sperm) needs to penetrate a female reproductive cell (egg). The gender of the baby depends solely on which type of sperm wins the race.

In each ejaculation, roughly 50% of the sperm carries the Y chromosome (which will result in a boy) and the other 50% carries the X chromosome (resulting in a girl). So, it's purely a roll of the genetic dice and the positions have nothing to do with it. 🧬

I hope I managed to clear up some of your doubts!
What positions should I use to avoid pregnancy?
In the answer to the previous question, I already explained that sex positions do not affect a woman's chances of getting pregnant, other things affect it. Look at how the conception of a baby occurs. What matters here is whether the man's sperm gets into the woman's vagina or not. And how it gets there is irrelevant. Therefore, you can't control this process with sex positions.

So if you're looking for alternative contraception methods, remember that sex positions aren’t the way to go. Check out my extensive guides to discover more reliable contraception options.
What sex positions are safe during pregnancy?
A few factors come into play - primarily, how far along the pregnancy is, as this determines the belly’s size. Further considerations include the size of the man’s penis and the friction during intercourse. The farther along in the pregnancy, the more advisable it is:

 - to use positions that don't put any pressure on the belly.
 - gentler and less deep thrusts are preferred.

During this special time, it's important for the man to be mindful of his movements and pay close attention to his partner's feedback. Pregnant women should always feel free to communicate their comfort levels and halt things if they feel any discomfort or pain.
The more sex positions I use, the better the sex. Is that true?
Not necessarily. Experimenting with various positions might spice up the emotional aspect of sex, but when it comes to reaching orgasm, finding and sticking to the 'right' position could be more important, especially for women.
15 Most Frequently Searched Sex Positions in Google
It's tough to determine the positions people most frequently use in their bedrooms, but we sure can tell which ones they're searching for on Google. So here's a little sneak peek of our top-15 list based on that data.

Name (Number of monthly Google searches).

1. Missionary sex position (60 500)
2. 69 sex position (40 500)
3. Amazon sex position (27 100)
4. Cowgirl sex position (22 200)
5. Eiffel Tower sex position (14 800)
6. Lotus sex position (12 100)
7. Doggy style sex position (9 900)
8. Piledriver sex position (9 900)
9. Butterfly sex position (8 100)
10. Eagle sex position (8 100)
11. Spooning sex position (6 600)
12. Helicopter sex position (6 600)
13. Reverse cowgirl sex position (6 600)
14. Pretzel sex position (5 400)
15. Wheelbarrow sex position (5 400)
16. Full Nelson sex position (4 400)
Does one's zodiac sign influence their sex position preferences?
Well, we've all stumbled upon articles like

- 6 Of The Best Sex Positions For Gemini
- 3 Sex Positions That Sultry Scorpio Should Try
- The Best Astrological Sex Position for Each Zodiac Sign

I must confess that I lack specific statistics or studies regarding this area. However, let me share my take on it.

In my humble opinion, there's no correlation between one's zodiac sign and sexual preferences. That's total bullshit. It contradicts a fundamental principle of nature - the biodiversity within a species (which is vital for the survival of all animal species, including humans). So, as per my logic, horoscopes and sex don't mingle in this particular way.
Which sex positions burn the most calories?
Ultimately, all those positions that get your muscles working hard. Muscles are the primary consumers of energy in our bodies - the more intensely they work, the more energy your body burns. If you're interested in burning some calories while getting frisky, don't miss out on my roundup of The best fitness sex positions for burning calories. It includes positions tailor-made for both men and women, plus some additional factors that contribute to the calorie-burning process during sex.
What sex positions are best for beginners?
If you already had sex but lack experience, it's best to stick to the easy sex positions for now. Eventually, you can gradually incorporate some advanced positions to bring in that extra spice.
Best Positions for First-Time Sex
Personally, I'd recommend the missionary position as an excellent choice for both men and women making their erotic debut! For men, especially those who might feel a little green in the loins, missionary allows an easier entry. With your lovely lady's legs spread wide, you'll have an optimal view of where to, let's say, dock your rocket!)

For women, positive sensations are more likely due to some clitoral stimulation – something you'd miss if 'doggy style' was your first position of choice.

But let's be honest, usually, the first rodeo isn't the one women remember fondly... However, a lot of it does depend upon the gent and his, shall we say, manual dexterity 😉
Are there positions that help a man last longer in bed?
If a man can't control his arousal and doesn't know the basic ways to last longer in bed, sex positions alone won't yield much result. But it is worth mentioning that specific sex positions can make orgasm control a tad easier. To deep dive into this topic, don’t miss out on my article Best sex positions to last longer.
What are the best sex positions for a small penis?
Now, folks, when we talk about a 'small penis,' let's clarify that what most men feel is 'small' is actually quite average (Don't worry, fellas! 😉). But even if a guy really does sport a less-lengthy member, selecting the right sex position will depend on the second factor - girth. For more on this, we’ve got you covered with our piece  Best sex positions for a smaller penis.

I like to think that I’ve covered all the burning questions about sex positions. But what do you think? If I’ve missed anything or you still have questions, please share them in the comments below.

Well, it seems like it’s time for me to wrap up this sex positions tutorial, I really hope you found it interesting and that you now have a deeper understanding than before.


Here’s the main takeaway that you should keep in mind:

While sex positions aren’t the be-all and end-all of what makes sex magical and wonderful, they are a fantastic tool to help you get there!)

And remember, practice makes perfect! So, here’s wishing you all safe, and most importantly, very pleasurable experiments. 😊

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