The Best Sex Positions According to a Survey

sex positions statistics Sex Blog

Are you ready to discover what people truly consider the best sex positions?

At Sex Positions Club, we conducted extensive polls with around 5,000 participants to uncover the secrets behind their favorite positions. The results are in, and they’re quite revealing.

The Best Sex Position for a Mind-Blowing Orgasm

The Big O – that euphoric climax, the ultimate reward, the sweet prize that both partners strive for in the delightful dance of sex.

For men, it’s nearly a guarantee—97% hit the jackpot every time they play. On the other hand, only about 70% of women are satisfied just being in the game. For now, let’s explore what the lucky 30% of women and the majority of men say about the best positions for reaching orgasm.

The best sex position for a mind blowing orgasm

As we can see, men and women have a mutual top three of favorites.:

However, their preferences slightly differ. For women, the missionary position takes the top spot, providing the most satisfaction. Men, on the other hand, favor doggy style as their number one choice.

The best sex position for connecting with a partner

Sex isn’t just mechanical actions geared towards achieving an orgasm; it’s also about the feelings and emotions that partners experience towards one another.

That’s why a sense of intimacy and connection with a partner is a vital component of sex for many couples. In the next poll, we aimed to find out from both men and women which sex positions are best for connecting with a partner.

The best sex position for connecting with a partner

The best sex position for feeling sexy

Feeling sexy isn’t necessarily important for most men, but it’s super crucial for women, and they understand perfectly well what I’m talking about right now.

It’s one of the important links in the chain that leads a woman to orgasm. Here are the facts and figures.

The best sex position for feeling sexy

The Best Sex Positions For Lasting Longer (Man) / Multiple Orgasm (Woman)

Below are the results of equally fascinating polls, namely:

  • We asked men about positions in which they can last longer.
  • We asked women about positions in which they can experience multiple orgasms.

The best sex position for lasting longer and multiple orgasm

The most used sex positions

From the surveys above, it is clear that the most popular sex positions are: missionary, doggy style, and cowgirl. These positions consistently rank as the top three in all the surveys for both men and women. We have decided to determine which of these sex positions is the most frequently used. And that’s what we got:

The most used sex positions (Survey result)

The most used sex position is the missionary position.

A Bit More Interesting Statistics

Who usually proposes to try a new sex position?

Who usually proposes to try a new sex position

The biggest fear when trying a new sex position

The biggest fear when trying a new sex position

Where do you usually learn about sex positions?

Where do you usually learn about sex positions

Bear in mind that this is just statistics (the average opinion of a large number of people). Therefore, it’s completely okay if the above data does not correspond to your experience and perceptions of sex.

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Mika Miro
Mika Miro

Founder and editor of the Sex Positions Club. A big enthusiast in studying human sexuality, as well as the fundamentals of physical and mental health. Read more about Mika Miro.

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