33 Best Fitness Sex Positions That Burn Calories Like Crazy

Sex position #184 - Spider. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image Sex Blog

Burning calories with pleasure – is a big dream of every person who wants to lose excess weight. What if I told you that it’s possible?!

Look, absolutely any physical activity forces our body to burn calories. Sex is just as much physical activity. So why not combine the useful with the pleasant!?)

In this page I’ll show you 33 fitness sex positions that help burn calories, and I’ll tell about the 3 main factors that enhance this effect.

I’ll also answer popular questions related to sex, burning calories, and weight loss. That’s what you’re here for, right?)

By the way…

Girls, why do you calculate the calories you burn?
I want to lose extra weight
I want to keep my current body shape and not gain weight
I don't count calories, I'm here by accident!)
Voted: 325
Guys, why do you calculate the calories you burn?
I want to lose extra weight
I want to keep my current body shape and not gain weight
I don't count calories, I'm here by accident!)
Voted: 388

Honestly, sex is NOT the best way to burn calories (you’ll see why below), although for many people it is certainly a more attractive way than going to the gym.

But still, it’s much better than doing nothing at all or sitting on the couch in front of the TV with a pizza in one hand and a Coke in the other!)

What is the best sex position for burning calories?

To answer this question, it is necessary to explain a little bit about what affects the burning of calories during sex.

  • Muscle work. Muscles are the main consumers of energy in our body and the more muscles are involved in work and the harder they tense, the more energy (calories) is used.
  • Duration. I think no one doubts that three minutes of sex most often will not allow you to burn a lot of calories. But there is one important “BUT” – it all depends on the intensity (speed) of sex.
  • Intensity (speed). Or, in other words, the number of movements you make per unit of time. For example, for 10 seconds you can do 15 frictions, or you can do 5. This is an important factor that can make even 3-minute sex very energy-consuming.

As a result, these three factors will determine how energy-consuming sex position will be and how many calories it will allow you to burn.

Another popular question:

How many calories will I burn in this or that position?

You can find tables on the Internet that show how many calories a man and a woman burn in different sex positions. It looks something like that:

Position Man (kcals) Woman (kcals)
Missionary 130 50
69 position 78 111
Amazon 65 188
Cowgirl 48 139
Doggy style 103 182
Lotus 148 139
Eagle 145 69

I hope you now realize how far from reality this data is. And it’s not that they are wrong, but that they are impossible to determine, because these data do not take into account two important factors I mentioned above: the intensity (speed) and duration of sex.

See more questions and answers at the end of the article in the FAQ section.

Based on all of the above, it is obvious that in order to burn the maximum number of calories you should focus on one or more of the following 3 factors:

  • Choose those sex positions that will make your muscles work more.
  • Have sex long enough.
  • Have sex with a lot of intensity (high tempo).

The combination of these factors will greatly enhance the burning of calories.

So now let’s take a look at the positions.

Best sex positions for fitness

Let me tell you right away that we are not going to look at the missionary, lotus, or doggy style (classic) that everyone is familiar with. Yes, they are comfortable, but our goal, as you remember, is not convenience, but to burn as many calories as possible, right?)

So let’s consider more complicated and exotic sex positions or “SEXERCISE” that will make your body sweat a lot.

Well, here we go!

Positions for women

It’s mostly all sex positions when a woman is on top because it is in this position that she becomes active (performs the main movement – friction).

Sex position #113 - Cowgirl. (cowgirl, face to face, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #77 - Crab. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #125 - Alley. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #137 - Starfish. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #1 - Shuttle. (cowgirl, criss cross, face to face, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #101 - Watering can. (face to face, lying down, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #150 - Reverse Cowgirl. (cowgirl, from behind, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #293 - Shameless. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #441 - Overturned. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #419 - V formation (on the couch). (woman on top, reverse, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #411 - Сhili pepper (on the chair). (from behind, rear entry, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #400 - Orgazm generator (on the armchair). (cowgirl, woman on top, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #393 - Erotic poster (on the armchair). (woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #267 - Zeal (on the chair). (anal sex, woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #259 - Froggy style (on the armchair). (cowgirl, woman on top, face to face). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #392 - Coffee table. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, reverse, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #248 - Legs on shoulders. (face to face, right angle, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #306 - Low start. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #206 - Crucifixion. (from behind, rear entry, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #273 - Cave. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #251 - Soft landing (on the ball). (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, from behind). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #331 - Soft chair (on the bed). (woman on top, from behind, rear entry, reverse,). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #235 - Leapfrog. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #220 - Bicycle. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #241 - Wheelbarrow. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #243 - Plow. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #480 - Juicy ass (on the bed). (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #161 - Amazon. (cowgirl, face to face, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #246 - Ladyboy. (cowgirl, woman on top, face to face, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #252 - Fifth element. (woman on top, face to face, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #298 - Vulgar chair. (cowgirl, woman on top, from behind, reverse). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #459 - Passive doggy. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #31 - Clip. (kneeling, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image

Positions for men

Which muscles do you think to burn the most calories? That’s right, the biggest ones are the leg, gluteal, and back muscles. That’s why I’ve chosen most of these positions for men that engage these muscles more.

Sex position #184 - Spider. (cowgirl, reverse, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #451 - Сounterblow (on the chair). (face to face, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #105 - Basket. (face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #455 - Saddle (on the ball). (cowgirl, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #421 - Spanish sunset (on the armchair). (woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #310 - Swing - 2. (anal sex, cowgirl, woman on top, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #159 - Angry Pirate. (blowjob, man on top, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #163 - Eagle. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #396 - Dive (on the bed). (anal sex, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #175 - Overpass. (man on top, reverse). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #138 - Asian Cowgirl. (from behind, rear entry, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #107 - Scorpio. (doggy style, from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #68 - Bulldog. (doggy style, from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #340 - Сhili dog. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #190 - Cowboy. (doggy style, from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #4 - Clapper. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #318 - Rear admiral. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #295 - Iron throne. (doggy style, from behind, rear entry, reverse, man on top, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #334 - Fulcrum. (from behind, rear entry, reverse, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #289 - X factor. (from behind, rear entry, reverse, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #201 - Fan. (from behind, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #152 - Honeymoon. (doggy style, from behind, kneeling, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #367 - Harness (on the ball). (from behind, rear entry, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #409 - Punishment (on the ball). (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #225 - Elephantl. (face to face, kneeling, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #108 - Caliper. (face to face, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #96 - Seesaw. (face to face, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #72 - Workout. (face to face, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #58 - Butterfly. (from behind, rear entry, standing, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #44 - Casket. (face to face, kneeling, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #5 - Aquarius. (kneeling, right angle). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #437 - G force (on the ball). (right angle, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, imageSex position #469 - Tight pussy. (reverse, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image

You’re probably impressed, aren’t you?) Now you know exactly what a real SEX WORKOUT looks like!)

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Can sex burn calories?
You'd be surprised, but even if you just lie in bed all day, you'll still burn calories! I'm not joking. It's called basic metabolism. It's the minimum amount of energy the body needs to maintain its basic functions and states, such as breathing, body temperature, heartbeat, etc. Now, as for any activity. Every movement you make involves muscles, and muscles need energy to work. As a result, any movement you do will result in burning calories for that energy. So, yes - sex can burn calories. But how many? That's the next question!)
How many calories can I burn during sex?
As I mentioned above, the number of calories burned during sex will be influenced by 3 main factors:

- The position (how difficult it is);
- Sex duration;
- Intensity of sex (tempo).

Each of these factors can compensate for each other, and together they increase calorie burn.
How many calories does 5 minutes of sex burn?
It depends on the position, duration, and intensity of sex (speed). In order to understand how it works, I suggest looking at three cases for a man:

1) 5 minutes of slow sex in the missionary position
2) 5 minutes of quick sex in the same position
3) 5 minutes of fast sex in the Stand and Carry position.

From the first to the third case, the amount of energy expended for 5 minutes by the man will increase, and with it, the number of calories burned.
How can I increase burning calories during sex?
Increase one (or more) of the 3 factors:

- Use sex positions in which your muscles will work harder;
- Duration of sex;
- Intensity (speed - frequency of friction).
How to burn 1,000 calories in sex?
To help you understand the scope of this challenge I will give you the example of walking. For a 155 lbs person, an hour of walking at 3.5 mph (fast pace) will burn only 260 Kals. That is, to burn 1000 Kals, you should walk about 12 miles in 4 hours (which is pretty fast). Roughly speaking, if you equate the energy expenditure of sex with a brisk walk, then you will have to have sex for about 4 hours. Of course, it's up to you, but something tells me that your penis (or vagina) won't be thrilled with such experiments!)
What is the best sex position to lose belly fat?
No sex position can help you do that, and here are the two main reasons why:

1) You can't burn fat in any specific area of your body. If the body starts to burn fat, it burns it everywhere.
2) The bottom of the abdomen is the last place where fat is lost. Unfortunately, it's true.

So if you want to reduce belly fat, you need to work with your whole body and take action, in general, to get the body fat to start burning.
Does sex help burn fat and lose weight?
Any physical activity helps burn fat and sex is no exception. Yes, it can help you burn extra calories, but you won't lose weight with sex alone, because you have to have hours of sex every day to get it. I hope you're not going to do that!) In order to lose weight you have to understand why you are overweight in the first place.
Which sex position for stomach exercise?
Basically, if you lead (active) in sex, then the abdominal muscles are always involved to some degree. But I would still single out at least 1 position for a man and one position for a woman.

- For the man - missionary position. When a man is on top he makes friction by moving his pelvis, where abdominal muscles are actively engaged.
- For women - the cowgirl position. But the abs will work more actively if the girl will do horizontal pelvic movements (forward and backward), rather than vertical (up and down).


Sex is a pleasant and certainly healthy addition to the major ways to burn calories. But don’t get your hopes up that making love will allow you to burn a lot of calories. There are more effective options for losing weight.


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Mika Miro
Mika Miro

Founder and editor of the Sex Positions Club. A big enthusiast in studying human sexuality, as well as the fundamentals of physical and mental health. Read more about Mika Miro.

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