Sex position #51. Marsh-mallow

Sex position #51 - Marsh-mallow. (blowjob, lying down, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
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If your male partner is tired at work and you want to reward him for a long hard day, or you just decided to make something nice to him, such a position will help you in this endeavor. The male partner lies on his back, puts his hands along the body, palms down, legs are bent in knees and driven apart. The woman sits between the male partner’s legs on her feet, with her hands she embraces the male partner’s hips and completely leans forward. This is a very comfortable position for oral satisfaction of a man. It can be a good option both for foreplay, and for the full satisfaction of the male partner.

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    All the information I found was helpful. Any more tips you have would be helpful to my knowledge. Thank you.

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    Can’t wait until I meet a girl to ask her if she’ll give me a marsh-mallow

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