Spooning Sex Position

Sex position #13 - Spooning. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
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Ask any couple about their top five favorite sex positions, and the Spooning sex position is almost guaranteed to make the list. It’s simple, cozy, and packed with intimacy. Minimal effort, maximum closeness, and a soft, sensual vibe are just a few reasons why spooning is such a popular pick.

What Is the Spooning Sex Position and What Does It Look Like?

The name comes from the way two spoons fit together, one tucked right behind the other. In this position, you and your partner lie on your sides, pressed tightly together. The guy spoons the girl, entering her from behind. It’s as cozy and intimate as it sounds. Take a look at the image below to see how it works.

Sex position #39 - Bizet. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #39 – Bizet

How to Do the Spooning Sex Position

For Him:

  • Getting Inside. Trying to stay glued to her back while going for penetration can be tricky and awkward. Instead, lean back slightly and shift your body lower at the start. This makes penetration much smoother and easier. Once you’re in, press your chest back against her and wrap her in your arms.
  • Clitoral Stimulation. Spooning doesn’t naturally stimulate her clit, which can be an issue since most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. Use your free hand or a vibrator to give her the extra attention she needs. Checkout more sex positions for hands-on clitoral stimulation during sex.
  • Kisses and Nibbles. You’ve got full access to her neck and ears in the Spooning sex position — prime real estate for kisses. Gently kiss her neck, nibble her earlobe, or tease her with your tongue. Keep in mind, though, that some women may feel ticklish from these touches, so pay attention to how she reacts.
  • Sweet/Dirty Talk. Whisper sweet or dirty things in her ear. Tell her how good she feels, how turned on you are, or how much she’s driving you wild. A little verbal appreciation can go a long way in heightening the mood.

For Her:

  • Making Penetration Easier for Him. Arch your back slightly and push your butt back toward him. This makes it easier for him to slide in without struggling to find the right angle.
  • Clitoral Stimulation. You can handle this yourself if you’d like. Use your fingers or a vibrator to rub your clit during sex. It’s easier for you to find the exact spot and pressure that work best, making the experience even hotter.
  • Move Your Hips. Don’t let him do all the work. Rock your hips back to match his thrusts or take over completely by grinding against him. It’s a great way to show your desire and take control of the pace.
  • Tighten Things Up. Want to make things feel even better? Straighten your bottom leg while bending your top leg so your knee and shin rest on the bed. This position crosses your thighs a little, making your vagina feel tighter. You can also squeeze your pelvic muscles for an extra boost of sensation for both of you.

29 Variations of the Spooning Sex Position

No matter how great a sex position is, sooner or later, it can start to feel a bit routine. If you’re looking to spice things up, here are a few creative ways to switch up the classic spooning sex position:

Variation 1

Nothing too crazy here — it’s just spooning, but this time, on the couch. The change of scenery alone can add a fresh vibe and some cozy, playful energy.

Sex position #356 - Lazy evening. (on the couch, anal sex, from behind, rear entry, sideways, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #356 – Lazy evening

Check out even more couch sex positions to keep things exciting!

Variation 2

Want to take G-spot stimulation up a notch? The guy should position himself slightly higher in relation to the woman. This reduces penetration depth but enhances stimulation of the front vaginal wall — right where the G-spot is located.

For an added twist, the guy can drape his top leg over her waist. It’s not a must, but experimenting with positions like this can lead to some exciting new sensations.

Sex position #52 - Creme brulee. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #52 – Creme brulee

Variation 3

Here’s another way to ramp up G-spot stimulation: the woman pulls her knees up toward her chest and rounds her back slightly. This adjustment changes the angle, hitting the right spot with extra precision.

Sex position #410 - Riverside. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #410 – Riverside

Spooning Position with Her on Top

Variation 4

Staying in the classic spooning sex position, the man hugs the woman tightly and rolls onto his back, bringing her with him. She ends up lying on her back, fully supported by his body. In this position, he gets the perfect chance to squeeze her breasts with both hands. YES! Guys absolutely love doing that!

Position 545 - Scarab. (woman on top, from behind, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Position 545 – Scarab

While this variation is great for breast play, it does limit the guy’s range of motion for thrusting. But don’t worry — there’s a fix for that in the next variation!

Variation 5

For more movement and intensity, the woman simply needs to lift her hips slightly. The guy can hold his partner by the waist while propping himself up on his elbows against the bed, giving him the freedom to move his hips.

Sex position #138 - Asian Cowgirl. (from behind, rear entry, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #138 – Asian Cowgirl

Sure, this isn’t your typical lazy, laid-back spooning session, but it’s perfect for adding a fiery, energetic finish. This variation is tailor-made for an intense climax at full speed.

Looking for even more wild, exotic, and adventurous positions? Check out our Crazy Sex Positions section!

Spooning Transitioning into the Scissor Position

Looking for deeper penetration? Here’s how to smoothly transition from spooning sex position to the Scissor sex position.

Variation 6

The woman lifts her top leg.

Sex position #26 - Binding. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #26 – Binding

The man slides one of his legs between hers. As he shifts slightly lower, the woman rolls onto her back.

Sex position #64 - Tango. (face to face, lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #64 – Tango

In this position, the man can easily kiss her breasts, which many women find incredibly arousing.

Sex position #103 - Flash. (lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #103 – Flash

The woman can tilt her hips upward, allowing her partner to press closer and penetrate even deeper. With his thigh positioned against her clit, each thrust provides additional stimulation to her clitoris.

Sex position #224 - Scissor. (criss cross, lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #224 – Scissor

Reverse Spooning Position

Ready to shake things up? Reverse spooning sex positions are perfect for adventurous couples who love exploring uncharted territory. But fair warning: this variations isn’t for every guy. It requires not just sufficient length but also a bit of flexibility — meaning the ability to angle his erect penis downward without discomfort

Why does flexibility matter? These positions create an unusual penetration angle, which might feel unnatural but enhances stimulation of the G-spot. The penis doesn’t go too deep, instead focusing on the front third of the vaginal wall where the G-spot resides.

Variation 7

The man lies behind the woman but faces the opposite direction.

Sex position #194 - Ribbon (reverse spoon). (from behind, lying down, rear entry, reverse, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #194 – Ribbon

Variation 8

This version is more comfortable for penetration and gives the man the chance to play with the woman’s clit.

Sex position #183 - Tamer. (from behind, rear entry, reverse, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #183 – Tamer

From this position, he can hook his leg over her waist and roll with her onto their stomachs. This leads right into the next variation.

Variation 9

This is called the Helicopter position. We’ll leave the full details for its dedicated page — the Helicopter sex position. It’s definitely worth checking out!

Sex position #221 - Helicopter. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry, reverse). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #221 – Helicopter

Variation 10

For the adventurous couple, here’s a challenge: The woman drapes one leg over the man while extending the other along his body. While the position may feel awkward, the man won’t mind enduring it for the sake of the view of her gorgeous butt!)

Sex position #39 - Bizet. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, sideways, spooning). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #39 – Bizet

Variation 11

Want to push your penis flexibility even further? This variation is similar to the last, but with the woman’s leg tucked between his, creating a scissor-like position.

Sex position #112 - Joystick. (from behind, lying down, rear entry, reverse, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #112 – Joystick

Variation 12

If the goal is to drive him absolutely wild, this is the go-to move. While in the Reverse cowgirl sex position, the woman leans forward and lies flat on her partner’s legs. This angle gives the man an insanely arousing view of her backside and the way his shaft moves in and out of her. His hands are completely free to grab, squeeze, and caress her butt for even more excitement. Explore even more sex positions for touching her booty during sex.

Sex position #520 - Lincoln (on the sofa). (woman on top, reverse, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #520 – Lincoln

In this position, the man’s movement is limited, so it’s up to the woman to take charge. She can show off her skills as a true Сowgirl, using her hips to create a rhythm that’ll blow his mind.

Variation 13

For the lovers of oral sex, this one’s for you. Yes, it’s essentially the 69 position, but doesn’t it feel like a natural extension of the spooning sex position?)

Sex position #85 - Scorpio. (69 sex position, lying down, oral sex). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #85 – Scorpio

Spooning Position Facing Each Other

Now, let’s get back to maximum skin-on-skin contact, which is exactly what makes spooning so great. But this time, the couple faces each other, which opens up the possibility for some passionate kissing.

Variation 14

The woman lies on top of the man and, with her legs slightly spread, lets him slide inside. This position is first and foremost about the kisses, and the slow, sensual, almost imperceptible friction only heightens the feeling of deep connection.

Sex position #283 - Lizard. (woman on top, face to face, spooning, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #283 – Lizard

Check out more sex positions for kissing.

Variation 15

But if you want to turn up the heat and bring in more dynamics, the woman should pull her legs closer to herself and get on her knees. This position makes it easier for her to take charge while still giving him a chance to stay active.

Sex position #101 - Watering can. (face to face, lying down, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #101 – Watering can

Variation 16

The couple can also roll onto their sides. For this, the woman needs to stretch out the leg on the side she’s going to roll to, then gently turn onto her side.

Sex position #136 - Thirst. (face to face, lying down, sideways). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #136 – Thirst

Variation 17

If you think penetration isn’t possible in this position – think again! But don’t try to get inside the woman in the position shown in the picture. This move should come from the regular missionary position after the man is already inside her. Then, the woman simply stretches her legs, and the man steps over them one by one, so her legs end up between his.

Sex position #151 - Twix. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #151 – Twix

The benefit of this position is that the woman’s vagina becomes tighter, and the man can feel how his dick, though not deeply, fits snugly inside, feeling every inch of her. Plus, this position does wonders for stimulating her clit as well.

Check out more sex positions for clitoral stimulation.

Spooning Position with the Man on Top

If the couple is looking for more powerful, deep thrusts without losing the skin-on-skin contact, it’s easier to achieve if the man is on top. This way, the woman can fully experience the strength and power of her partner’s body.

Variation 18

The couple starts in the classic spooning position (lying side-by-side) and simply rolls onto their stomachs. The man should support himself on his hands (or, in this variation, on his elbows) to avoid putting too much weight on his partner.

Sex position #59 - Crab. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #59 – Crab

Below are 6 more variations of the spooning sex position with the man on top.

Variation 19

Read more about the Prone Bone sex position and its variations.

Sex position #143 - Prone Bone. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #143 – Prone Bone

Variation 20

Sex position #8 - Boat. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #8 – Boat

Variation 21

Sex position #71 - Lazy Dog. (from behind, lying down, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #71 – Lazy Dog

Variation 22

Sex position #21 - Speed Bump. (doggy style, from behind, kneeling, man on top, rear entry). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #21 – Speed Bump

Variation 23

Sex position #438 - Magic carpet (on the bed). (anal sex, from behind, rear entry, man on top, lying down). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #438 – Magic carpet

Variation 24

Sex position #260 - Tight Squeeze. (anal sex, doggy style, from behind, rear entry, kneeling). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #260 – Tight Squeeze

Sitting Spooning Position

Yes, you heard that right – spooning can even be done while sitting. Here’s how it works.

Variation 25

Sex position #376 - Fairy (on the chair). (anal sex, woman on top, from behind, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #376 – Fairy

Variation 26

Sex position #114 - Chair. (cowgirl, from behind, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #114 – Chair

Variation 27

Sex position #187 - Ice cream. (from behind, rear entry, sitting, woman on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #187 – Ice cream

Check out more sitting sex positions.

Standing Spooning Position

And to wrap up our list, here are a couple of variations of the spooning position while standing.

Variation 28

Sex position #7 - Candle. (from behind, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #7 – Candle

Variation 29

Sex position #189 - Oath. (from behind, kneeling, rear entry, standing). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image
Sex position #189 – Oath

Check out more standing sex positions.

In conclusion, the spooning sex position is a fantastic one that definitely deserves your attention. Whether you enjoy gentler, more comfortable sex or a more intense and dynamic experience, everyone can fulfill their desires in this position and enjoy themselves.

Be sure to share your experiences and thoughts about spooning sex in the comments below – what you like, and what you don’t. Feel free to ask any questions you might have as well.

Most popular positions

1. Missionary, 2. Doggy style, 3. Cowgirl, 4. 69, 5. Prone bone, 6. Reverse cowgirl, 7. Amazon, 8. Lotus, 9. Butterfly, 10. Spooning, 11. Scissor, 12. CAT, 13. Helicopter, 14. Pretzel, 15. Full nelson, 16. Piledriver, 17. Wheelbarrow, 18. Eiffel tower.

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15.03.2017 20:01

I want how to girls come in an sex position

Seedorf Akwa
Seedorf Akwa
10.04.2017 10:43

This site is a blessing to my sexual life.

Geoffrey Stevens
Geoffrey Stevens
31.07.2017 15:51

This is the favorite sex position for my wife and I. So sensual and I can carress her breasts or her clitoris. Great in the morning!

10.10.2017 18:29

this is our go-to position for those lazy Saturdays. slow, passionate, and leads to mind-blowing duo orgasms for both of us! I am 43 and dating an amazing 52 year old man. this position makes him feel even bigger, and yes he already has a beautiful big cock.

13.05.2018 19:11
Reply to  Nicole

Can make you feel better

25.04.2018 08:22

I have just married what would be the best position I should do so that we would be happy

Shakir Ali
Shakir Ali
14.11.2018 21:49

I love sex

11.02.2019 18:05

Love cowgirl style

24.05.2019 08:30

Get back to me if you want real sex

26.08.2019 15:35

Long story short, she wants to experiment with sex while she sleeps on her side, but whenever I try to insert my penis into her I can’t find her vagina with my penis, it’s for sure long enough to do this we checked, what is an good way for the guy (me) to get inside of her while she is on her side, how do I find the hole in other words with my penis

15.10.2021 20:05
Reply to  Koen

Dude, I feel you, I have the same problem trying to find her vagina with my penis. Have you found a good strategy for that yet?

Katrin bur
Katrin bur
16.09.2023 19:33
Reply to  Koen

Firstly, locate her vagina by sight or touch with your fingers, but Don’t rub it . Open by spreading lips apart. If it’s is wet lubricated, proceed.

Katrin bur
Katrin bur
18.09.2023 22:37
Reply to  Koen

Firstly, locate her vagina by sight or touch with your fingers, but Don’t rub it . Open by spreading lips apart. If it’s is wet lubricated, proceed.

08.09.2019 11:30

What is the category of positions called: ‘woman’s legs together presenting buttocks so to show off buttocks’ ?

31.05.2021 09:51
Reply to  Josh

Clench Off

09.08.2020 10:21

I love the morning glory sex after a night of sex morning glory sex is great, then again any sex is great with females that is