Part 3: About the Acquisition of a Wife
Chapter 3.3. Courtship, and the Manifestation of the Feelings by Outward Signs and Deeds
A poor man possessed of good qualities, a man born of a low family possessed of mediocre qualities, a neighbour possessed of wealth, and one under the
Part 3: About the Acquisition of a Wife
Chaper 3.2. About Creating Confidence In the Girl
For the first three days after marriage, the girl and her husband should sleep on the floor, abstain from sexual pleasures, and eat their food without
Part 3: About the Acquisition of a Wife
Chapter 3.1. Observations on Betrothal and Marriage
When a girl of the same caste, and a virgin, is married in accordance with the precepts of Holy Writ, the results of such a union are the acquisition of
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.10. How to Begin and How to End the Congress. Different Kinds of Congress, and Love Quarrels
In the pleasure-room, decorated with flowers, and fragrant with perfumes, attended by his friends and servants, the citizen should receive the woman, who
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.9. On Holding the Lingam in the Mouth
There are two kinds of eunuchs, those that are disguised as males, and those that are disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as females imitate their
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.8. About Females Acting the Part of Males
When a woman sees that her lover is fatigued by constant congress, without having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.7. On the Various Ways of Striking, and of The Sounds Appropriate to Them
Sexual intercourse can be compared to a quarrel, on account of the contrarieties of love and its tendency to dispute. The place of striking with passion
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.6. On the Various Ways of Lying Down, and the Different Kinds of Congress
On the occasion of a ‘high congress’ the Mrigi (Deer) woman should lie down in such a way as to widen her yoni, while in a ‘
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.5. On Biting, and the Ways of Love to be Employed with Regard to Women of Different Countries
All the places that can be kissed are also the places that can be bitten, except the upper lip, the interior of the mouth, and the eyes.
Part 2: On Sexual Union
Chapter 2.4. On Pressing or Marking with the Nails
When love becomes intense, pressing with the nails or scratching the body with them is practised, and it is done on the following occasions: on the first visit;